Anyone have an idea how I could stop this? It only happens with the AirPod Pros. I have had the same iPhone XR and AirPods Pros (Gen 1) for a while but it did not do this in the beginning. It does this very constant though bu,/t only once. After it does this, it will not speed up YouTube or mute it again.
I have to tap the rewind button to get it to start again. I noticed it doesn't happen when playing at regular speed, however, as I am watching lectures, I really need to watch it at a higher speed. Once it has reached the point where I was at, it will pause. There are no problems with my internet connection I've tripled checked and no other devices have any issues like this. When I turn on the screen, the video had started over and is running at about 10x the normal speed without sound. After about 3-5 minutes, the sound stops. Then, When I am ready to drive and want to listen to YouTube only, I put my AirPods Pro in and they connect seamlessly. I have YouTube Premium so I can listen to it while the screen is in the lock position and put my phone in my pocket.The problem I am having is I'll start watching something on YouTube. Here is a problem that I have been having for about a year.